Sunday, October 24, 2010

Flying high as Kobe can

The players come onto the court
A Minnesota Timberwolves fan - I loved the outfit
On 4 October Calum and I went to see the world-famous basketball team the L A Lakers versus the Minnesota Timberwolves at the O2 in Greenwich. It was the most amazing evening and I loved every minute.

From the moment you walked into the arena, the atomosphere was electric, building to a frenzy when the players came onto the court. However, the loudest cheer was reserved for Kobe Bryant - a living legend. He didn't play for long but it was wonderful to see him in action - poetry in motion.

In fact, all the basketball players were amazing. And incredibly tall! There were cheers and whoops when they scored and groans of disappointment when they missed. There were also chants of 'Kobe, Kobe' to try and get him off the bench, but sadly, it didn't work.

The arena was packed and we were lucky to on the first level so we had an excellent view. We clapped and cheered along with everyone else and the whole experience was exhilirating. From cheerleader routines, interviews with basketball legends, acrobatics and gravity-defying basketball stunts, the evening was full of non-stop entertainment - and the game, of course!

In the end, the game was quite one-sided with the Wolvertons gaining an easy victory. But the result didn't matter as it was an exhibtion game. It was enough to see NBA players performing live. They were simply awesome.

Me and Calum at the O2
The NBA sign in the arena