Sunday, March 23, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Daffodils in the snow
Our back garden
The view from our bedroom window
We're not used to snow in this country, so every time it happens it's a big deal. And when it happens at Easter, it's an even bigger deal than usual!

When I woke up this Easter Sunday morning to a strangely bright bedroom, I knew it had snowed.
Even with the heating on full blast, the air felt decidedly chilly and all I wanted to do was snuggle down under the covers.

However, a quick look through the curtains had me reaching for my camera as I knew the snow wouldn't last. It never does.

I once lived in Austria and the snow stayed for months. It was cold but beautiful and the Austrians were used to it so they simply got on with their lives. They didn't go on about it non-stop on the news.

It's no wonder we're stereo-typed as always talking about the weather - it's because we do!

Personally, I love the snow, not when it's wet and slushy, but when it's new. I especially love it at night with the light twinkling on it.

That won't happen tonight as it's all melted away but, according to the weather reports, there's more on the way.

I really hope so.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Lola's hand drawn Mother's Day card

A Starry Breakfast
I had a wonderful Mother's day last Sunday, although it didn't turn out quite how I expected.

It started with a delicious breakfast, prepared by Joe and the children, with my favourite almond croissants.

Lola decorated the table with brightly coloured stars and put out place names she'd made when she was younger. Mine said 'Mummy', something she never calls me now as I am definitely 'Mum' - but that's fine with me.

Calum and Lola both gave me beautiful cards with lovely messages written inside, plus a dvd, The Lives of Others (which I'd wanted for ages) and some gorgeous dark chocolate truffles.

Best of all though was Lola's hand made card. She'd done a pencil drawing of my favourite photograph of me and her together on holiday in France last year. We were both dressed up to go out for a special meal.

She captured us so perfectly I was lost for words

And that doesn't happen very often.

Thank you Lola.

A Dash to London
After breakfast, Joe rang his Mum to wish her Happy Mother's Day, only to find out she'd been ill all week and had hardly been out. She hadn't managed to go shopping so didn't have much food in the house.

I could see Joe was worried so I told him to do down to London and make sure she was okay - which is exactly what he did. He caught the next train to London and called at Sainsbury's on the way to her flat to get her some groceries.

Thankfully, when he arrived, she wasn't as bad as he expected.

Needless to say, she was very pleased to see him.

Lasagne and a Lazy Afternoon
Joe was going to make me a lasagne for lunch as he knows it's my favourite, but the children stepped in and helped me instead. It was really nice us all being together in the kitchen, preparing food, listening to music and singing our heads off.

After lunch we all watched The Fantastic Four - Rise of the Silver Surfer which was very amusing, not always intentionally so!

Joe didn't miss out either. He had his lasagne when he got home (microwaves are a wonderful thing).

It was certainly a Mother's Day with a difference and one I won't forget for quite a while.

I'm really glad he went to see his Mum and so is he.

It's what Mother's Day is all about.
