Let it Snow
It's amazing how a simple thing like snow can bring so much pleasure.
Yes, of course it was a pain trying to get to work, especially on the train (although ironically the train was on time for most of the week).
And yes, it was cold.
But it was also stunningly beautiful.
The first day it snowed, I got off the train in Cambridge and walked to work in a blizzard. I had my umbrella up but it didn't stop the snowflakes landing in a cold tingle on my nose and eyelashes.
By the time I arrived at work, I had a thick covering of snow on my coat which melted as I walked into my warm office.
I could feel my cheeks glowing and I felt as exhilirated as a child.
There is something magical about snow.
Cambridge is beautiful at the best of times, but in the snow it looked even lovelier.
In spite of the snow, people had smiles on their faces and children were playing and laughing in the street.
I've always loved the snow.
So do Calum and Lola. They built a snowman in the garden and threw snowballs at each other.
Most importantly, they had fun - a welcome break from the stress of endless school work and exams.
So as far as I'm concerned, let it snow, and snow and snow ...
Labels: Cambridge