Beautiful Bride

Beautiful bride Rebecca. I recently went to my friend Rebecca's wedding.
They say that all brides look beautiful, but Rebecca looked radiant.
Rebecca is not just lovely-looking.
She's a lovely person too.
So it was wonderful to see her so happy on her wedding day.
And so beautiful.
Labels: Friends
Calum's 18th Birthday Meal at Maxwells
Happy 18th Birthday Calum!
Calum's special 18th birthday card made by Joe. All Grown Up
Calum is 18 today.
I'm sure all mums say the same, but I can't believe he's actually 18.
I vividly remember the day he was born.I had to have a general anaesthetic so I only saw him when I came round, feeling groggy and sore.
They'd tucked him in beside me in my hospital bed.
I looked down and saw a tiny head with a shock of dark hair and the pain melted away.It was one of the best moments of my life.Now he's nearly 6ft tall and today he officially becomes an adult.
Birthday BreakfastCalum started the day with a special breakfast of chocolate pancakes and toffee waffles - the kind of breakfast he'd had in New York which he loved so much.
He laughed when he walked into the living room because I'd decorated it with banners and balloons.
I'd also put a Happy 18th Birthday banner on the living room door.
I wanted everything to look festive.
After breakfast he opened his cards and presents.
Calum with his birthday cards As usual Joe made him an amazing card in the style of Calum's favourite artist, Michael Turner.
Calum got some fantastic things, including quite a lot of money which he's looking forward to spending.
We bought him an iPod Touch which he was thrilled with. His face lit up when he saw what it was as he had no idea.He said it was 'cool' which was exactly the reaction we wanted.It was the perfect start to an 18th birthday - even though he had to go to school.
Birthday Meal
This evening we're off to Maxwells in Covent Garden for a celebration meal.
It'll be a family affair with just the four of us and we're all really looking forward to it.
So Happy 18th Birthday Calum - I hope you have an amazing day.
You deserve it.Labels: Family