Too Busy to Blog - I Hate My Assignment!
Well my MA assignment is driving me (and the rest of the family) mad.
Two more weekends to go and then I have to hand it in - eek!
My essay must be the most re-written in history - and I still have to produce a book review.
My wine, chocolate and coffee consumption have risen to dangerous levels.
I've almost forgotten what normal life is like.
So I'm very jealous of Joe for having just spent the weekend in London in Islington.
And he got lots of sunshine, too.
Still, I shouldn't really moan (although it does make me feel better).
He brought me back a lovely present and also took some great pics.
The one of the green and orange plastic dogs really made me smile.
Which I haven't been doing too much of lately.
Whose idea was it to do an MA anyway?
Oh, yes, I remember now ...