One in Five Men Think Cellulite is a Battery ..
Laugh out Loud
The above caption was written on a birthday card I received today which made did make me laugh out loud.
The card came from my good friend Caroline, whom I've known since university. She was Matron of Honour at my wedding and I was bridesmaid at hers - the only time I've ever been a bridesmaid. Caroline and I very rarely see each other - busy lives and even busier children contrive to keep us apart - but that doesn't affect our friendship. Whenever we see each other, we simply pick up where we left off, no matter how long the gap inbetween - and sometimes it's a very long gap.
A Very Happy Birthday
Today has been a wonderful day. I've spent it with my family which is absolutely my favourite thing.
I've had champagne and birthday cake with my Mum and received lots of cards and presents, including a beautiful necklace from Joe.
It's been a real day of celebration and that's exactly how birthdays should be!