Spring is in the Air

Bring on the Blossom
Springtime is when our garden looks at its best and it's all down to the blossom. Every year it's like a miracle. One day, there is a tree with a few tentative buds and the next it's covered in luscious blooms, bringing a cacophony of colour to the garden, the delicate pinks, whites and reds making beautiful contrasts with the vivid and varied greens of the grass and shrubs.
We are lucky to have a very large and prolific garden with lots of trees including willow, birch, apple, cherry and chestnut. It's very well-established as it's 70 years old and, in spite of our benign neglect, never fails to burst forcefully into life every Spring, amazing us with its variety and abundance.
The process starts with a few tentative snowdrops, swiftly followed by tiny, perfectly formed crocuses and then the daffodils and tulips make their grand entrance. After a long, cold winter, it really lifts your spirits and let's you know that summer, with its promise of balmy days, is on its way.
The blossom disappears almost as quickly as it arrives, so I always make sure I take time to appreciate its beauty while it's still there. When it finally falls, the petals float to the ground like confetti, covering the grass in a blanket of pink perfection, like the soft skin of a child.