Sunshine and Rain

In the words of the Isley Brothers' song (which I am listening to right now), 'summer breeze makes me feel fine'. Summer is absolutely my favourite season, bringing with it warm sunny days and balmy nights.
It seemed for a brief moment as if summer had arrived this week. The temperature soared and so did people's spirits. Everything looked so much better bathed in sunlight and it was wonderful to feel the warmth on your skin.
Our garden took on a golden glow, the blossom continuing to work its magic by endowing everything with a fairytale quality. My husband even cut the grass! I do not do gardening as it brings me no pleasure whatsoever and I hate getting my hands dirty. However, I do like to sit in the garden on a sunny day with a nice glass of Pimms and a good book - that's my idea of appreciating the garden!
Rainy Days
Sadly, today it's grey and gloomy and the rain is pounding down. My husband and the children have gone to the cinema to see Mission Impossible 3. My teenage son has been dying for it to come out and was thrilled when I told him this morning he'd be going. He's had exams all week and has been working incredibly hard, so he deserves a treat. It was worth keeping it a surprise just to see his face light up when I told him this morning at breakfast - priceless!
Spaghetti and Soul
I've chosen to stay at home and have some 'me' time which is a rare treat. So, I'm playing my 70s soul music extremely loudly and cooking spaghetti bolognese. The sauce is simmering nicely and a delicious smell is wafting up the stairs. I'm looking forward to us all sitting down together later for lunch.
Sundays are lovely, lazy days - a time to relax and for us to spend time together as a family after the hustle and bustle of the week. I always feel as if I've recharged my batteries and I love the fact that I don't have to go anywhere or do anything if I don't want to.
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