Key to the Door

On Thursday I went to the 21st birthday of the advertising agency where I worked for nine years. Nine years is a long time and the longest I have ever worked anywhere. That says a lot about the quality of the agency and the people.
It was named WAR after the initial letters of the surnames of the founding members (Robert Ware, Jim Anthony and Graham Rust) and the party turned out to be a real trip down memory lane. I left there six years' ago, so a lot of the faces were new to me, but there were still plenty of old friends to catch up with and I had a great time. I was even featured, very briefly, in the commemorative video!
WAR was a very important part of my life and I will always be grateful to Robert for understanding that my family came first and that, if he would allow me to work flexibly, I would be 100% committed. It turned out to be a 'win win' situation, although it was very hard work. I was able to help the business grow and become even more successful, but I didn't have to do it at the expense of my family. I was there for every school play, sports day, parents' evening etc - events that only happen once in a child's lifetime and that you can never get back. That meant a lot to me - and the children.
I'm very proud of what the agency has achieved and my contribution towards its success. I'm delighted that it is still going from strength to strength and, although I have now moved on, I will always look back on my time at WAR with great affection. I met some lovely people, many of whom I'm still in touch with.
Robert has now retired (he was at the party) and Alison is the new Managing Director. However, Robert and I have stayed in touch and regularly 'do lunch'. Which just goes to show that jobs come and go, but real friends stay with you.
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