Monday, July 24, 2006

Putting on the Ritz

Lectures and Lunch
They say there's no such thing as a free lunch and it's true. But if that lunch involves dining at The Ritz, then I can certainly put up with a lecture or two!

Friday saw me at this elegant and world famous hotel courtesy of a software company that was promoting its 'knowledge management' system (that's 'organising stuff' to you and me).

Professional Presentations
I have to say the presentations were very professional but the 'sell' was very hard (we were there as prospective customers after all). However, the beautiful surroundings, delicious food and very drinkable wine, more than made up for the mini-lectures between courses.

As a professional communicator, I am always interested in how presentations are delivered - what graphics are used and how well the speaker gets his or her message across.

These presentations were pretty slick and were generally well received by the audience, but they were also quite technical and, not being a 'techie' (although I had two very knowledgeable 'techie' colleagues with me) I found myself drifting off on occasions and wondering when the next course would arrive. Each time it did, it was definitely worth waiting for.

The Posh 'Powder Room'
I've only ever been to The Ritz once before when I took my Mum there as a special treat for her birthday. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had and my Mum still talks about it.

It makes me smile when I remember the look on her face when she first saw the extremely posh 'Powder Room'. She and I were both amazed by the lavishly decorated walls, comfortable sofa, and upmarket magazines laid out on a coffee table, complete with bottles of mineral water and drinking glasses. It was all very inviting - not at all like your average 'Ladies'.

But then again, we shouldn't really have been surprised - this is The Ritz, darling, after all!


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