The Long and the Short of It

Lola has always had incredibly thick, curly hair - her 'heat blanket' as she describes it, especially in the recent hot weather!
Until Saturday, Lola's hair had only ever been cut four times in her entire life, so it had grown down to her waist.
However, long, thick hair is extremely high maintenance. Every Sunday Lola and I would go through the ritual of washing and combing her hair (which could take up to an hour) and plaiting it so that it didn't knot while she was asleep.
'Miss Pears'
When Lola was little, everyone commented on her hair and nicknamed her 'Miss Pears' because she looked so cute.
But in a few weeks' time, Lola will become a teenager and 'cute' is definitely out.
Wanda's Magic Touch
So, on Saturday we went to the hairdressers - a trendy salon called Pkai - where Lola's favourite stylist, Wanda, worked her magic.
She cut more than six inches off Lola's hair, put layers in it, thinned it and then curled the ends round her fingers, giving Lola large, loose ringlets. Lola loved it.
Not only is Lola delighted with her sassy new look but so am I. She looks so much more sophisticated and the style suits her confident personality. Her hair now has bounce where before it was weighed down by sheer volume.
I doubt Lola will ever have hair that long again. Those childhood days are well and truly behind her. But I do know that Lola's hair will always be admired for its thickness and natural curl.
This is her very first grown up hairstyle - and I'm sure it won't be her last!
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