Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time to say goodbye - Calum officially leaves school

Joe, Lola, Calum and me
Calum and headteacher, Mr Longman
Lola and Calum
Me and Calum
Calum receives his prayer book from Mr Elliot

On 26 June, Calum officially said goodbye to secondary school through a very beautiful and very emotional leavers' service held at Peterborough Cathedral.

We all went as a family - me, Joe and Lola - and Mum came too. It was a very special occasion and one I will always remember.

Of course I felt sad that Calum's school days were over and when I heard his name called, I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

Yet at the same, I felt happy - happy that his time at school has been such a rich and rewarding one.

He's excelled academically, had wonderful experiences and, most important of all, made some excellent friends, some of whom I'm sure he'll keep for the rest of his life.

He's had opportunities he could never have imagined. And he's take advantage of all of them.

The leavers' service was moving and uplifting in equal measure. I will never forget the sound of the choir who sang like angels. it sent a tingle down my spine and I savoured the moment for all I was worth.

It was the end of a very important era in Calum's life.

And the beginning of a new and exciting one.

I couldn't be more proud of Calum.

And I couldn't be more grateful to the school for giving him the best possible start.


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