Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy 150th!

Me in full flow
Balloons in Reception
Chris's fantastic cake
Last Monday we celebrated our 150th anniversary at work.

Reaching 150 years is is quite an achievement for any organisation - I wonder how many of those around today will last that long.

So we definitely had to mark the occasion.

Book Launch

In the morning we held a book launch for our special commemorative book. The launch was attended by a host of dignitaries and members of staff who had won their places in a prize draw.

The mix of people worked well and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The speeches were interesting and entertaining and, thankfully, not too long.

I was the MC and really loved it. Give me a stage and an attentive audience and I'm happy!

I also loved seeing the balloons in Reception. They were a real talking point and put everyone in a festive mood. Lots of visitors commented on them, too.

Happy Birthday
In the afternoon we held a 'birthday tea' for all our staff with free cake.

Thanks to the military-like precision of our catering teams we managed to feed over 1,000 people - which is a lot of cake!

Some people took away three or four pieces (they were spotted by the catering staff) while others made do with one. I couldn't decide between the carrot cake and coffee cake, so I had both. That kept me going until the next day.

However, nothing came close to the fantastic cake that Chris in Catering made for the book launch. It looked so good, it was a shame we had to cut it.

A Brilliant Day
It was a hectic but brilliant day and everyone entered into the spirit of it - especially the cake! It was great to see people sitting around and chatting and taking time out from their normal working day.

When it was over, we were all exhausted but really pleased it had all gone so well.

It was definitely a day to remember.



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