Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Day Off

As a family we are movie mad, so what better way to spend the last day of my Christmas holiday than at the cinema? if you haven't seen Peter Jackson's King Kong, then you're missing a treat. It has something for everyone - action, mind-boggling special effects, romance, pathos, drama, excitement, dinosaurs - you name it and it's in there. It will even make you fall in love with a big CGI ape (if you're female and soft like me anyway) and some of the shots are so breathtakingly beautiful, they stop your heart. The film also features the sunset of all sunsets, plus many amazing landscapes, so it's worth going for the visual feast alone. Oh, and of course, there are Oscar-winning performances from the cast. Look out for Naomi Watts on the podium. My money's on her. It's the second time we've seen it. We've also seen The Chronicles of Narnia twice (we like the big screen) and that was also better second time round as you could anticipate your favourite bits and appreciate them even more. However, King Kong gets my film of the year award. Okay, I'll shut up about King Kong now, but it is fab!

The day started with very good news. Our neighbours' daughter had a little baby boy called James at 4.30 this morning after almost two days in labour and a good deal of anxiety over whether or not she had pre-eclampsia. Thankfully mother and baby are both doing well. James is Shirley and Ken's second grandchild and joins his little cousin, Campbell who was born in October to their other daughter, so they now have two bouncing grandsons. A Dutch friend of mine also had a baby on New Year's Eve, a little girl called Senna, so there is mini baby boom going on in Peterborough at the moment. However, baby days in this house are well and truly over and I'm planning all the things I'm going to do when my two eventually leave home! Although it won't be for a while yet, it pays to be prepared ... There'll be no 'empty nester' blues in this household!

It is lovely being consumed by parenthood, a really magical time, but it's also wonderful to get your life back and see all your hard work come to fruition when your children turn into the people you always hoped they'd be and you realise that they're the sort of people you'd like to meet, even if they weren't your own offspring. I believe the main thing is to have good communication and I'm pleased to say they talk to me about everything, although they obviously don't tell me everything - they're not silly! They say that the more you let them go, the more they come back to you and I think that's true. It can be hard letting them have their own space, but they need that space in which to grow and find their own way and as long as they know you're there when they need you, they'll be fine. I admire the confidence Calum and Lola both have and only wish I had half of it when I was their age!

We're all watching Love Actually together this evening - a real feelgood film. That's what there is in this house, lots of love and you can feel it the minute you walk in the door.

Off to run a bath now. Lola has chosen pink bubble bath - her favourite colour. She's a real girlie girl and I wouldn't have her any other way!


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